<span data-buffer="">Ko Wai Mātou | About Us<span data-metadata="">

Te Hapori Maihiko is an established community for Māori working (or aspiring to work) in the digital and tech industries.

Our waka is guided by the needs and whakaaro of our members who have shared their experiences, challenges and successes as Māori involved in DigiTech.

This kaupapa grows as the hapori does, and we are proud to have a community that is active, engaged and learning from one another.

This is by Māori, for Māori, of Māori.

Jump on this waka and gain access to the many hua of our kaupapa, including:

  • regular matauranga sessions with leaders in our hapori and the industry

  • entry to hui-a-motu such as Tech for Taiao and partner events, like TechWeek

  • Members Kete resources to support you in your Māoritanga at mahi

  • opportunities to contribute digital skills back to your rohe

  • recognition of Māori excellence in digital and tech kaupapa with the Matihiko Awards

Through this mahi, our kaupapa hopes to support an increase in Māori representation and participation in the DigiTech sector, both in Aotearoa and abroad.

E kore te puna mihi ki a Hīkina Whakatutuki (MBIE) e mimiti, mei kore i a koutou i tā koutou pūtea tautoko hoki e kore tēnei kaupapa i rokohanga ai.

We extend deep gratitude to the team at MBIE for the funding to get this kaupapa started.

<span data-buffer="">Our Kaupapa<span data-metadata="">

As the idea of this hapori was moving from Te Kore to Te Pō, we wanted to be sure we weren’t replicating anything that already existed.

We wanted to make sure there was a place to uplift all no matter your digital discipline, and ensure that there was space for collaboration.

If you whakapapa Māori and work (or have aspirations to) in DigiTech — this is your community. We are your people. Nau mai ki Te Ao Marama.

As well as supporting Māori in DigiTech, we welcome non-Māori organisations who want to support and uplift their Māori staff. ‍

We recognise each person’s whakapapa, their identity, mahi and their contributions to the digital space, locally and globally.

Advocate, encourage and tautoko our hapori.

We operate in a space of deep love for our people, our mahi and our whenua.

We welcome people face to face and online — no matter where we are, we want our people to have a place of belonging and a hapori to connect with.

We are committed in our role of caretakers of the whenua and taiao.

Our mission is to empower and celebrate Māori in DigiTech.

Through our research, we confirmed for ourselves and learnt the following:

  • Māori felt alone and unsupported in their mahi

  • Māori are often expected to be the Māori person for their organisation but didn’t have anyone to tautoko them

  • There weren’t clear leaders and leadership pathways for pakeke and rangatahi in DigiTech

  • Small business operators felt isolated & wanted to make connections

  • There wasn’t a way to provide national or global recognition for success in our community

  • Whānau wanted to offer skills back to their rohe but weren’t sure how

Te Ao Matihiko is the kaitiaki organisation leading the strategic direction for it’s two kaupapa supporting ao Māori within DigiTech, Te Hapori Matihiko and Te Matarau.

Our Team

Te Hapori Matihiko was founded by Lee Timutimu (Ngāti Awa, Ngāi Te Rangi, Tūhoe, Ngāti Poro) and Katie Brown (Ngāti Whātua, Ngāti Raukawa), pairing Lee’s skills and connections in the tech industry with Katie’s in digital communications and government.

Today, Katie steers the waka with the guidance of the Te Ao Matihiko Board, overlooking a dedicated team of digital natives paddling the waka. Our hapori are the winds which carry the sails of this kaupapa.

Katie Brown

Co-Founder, CEO

Rion Lawrence

Project Manager

Zoe Liddell

Social Media Advisor

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