The Matihiko Awards: Celebrating Māori success in digital tech

Te Hapori Matihiko is set to host its very first Matihiko Awards at Te Rauparaha Arena, July 7.

Founded by Lee Timutimu (Ngāti Awa, Ngāi Te Rangi, Tūhoe, Ngāti Porou) and Katie Brown (Rauwaka, Ngāti Whātua), Te Hapori Matihiko is passionate about delivering positive outcomes for kaupapa Māori in the digital technology space. The event has support from MBIE, Payments NZ, Te Puni Kōkiri, Spark Foundation and Meta.

The Matihiko Awards explores Māori excellence and contribution across a range of digital kaupapa. It’s an opportunity to showcase what’s happening in the matihiko space, enhancing visibility across the sector.

It’s the first of its kind, as it focuses on contribution and impact, rather than the cost or value of mahi. The awards consist of 11 categories, including: Living Icon; Emerging Icon; Change Maker; Emergent Change Maker; Kaupapa; Whiua ki te Ao; Kaitiaki; Public Sector; Kaiāwhina; Large Pakihi; Rangatiratanga; Innovator; Emergent Innovator; and Corporate Change.

Each category will receive two Tohu, including the Totara (someone who has been in the industry for 7+ years), and the Tipu (someone who is new to the industry or early in their career).

“Both Lee and I saw a need for Māori in digital and tech to be seen & celebrated. There’s not enough Māori in this sector & we want to change that,” Te Hapori Matihiko Co-founder Katie Brown said.

“The awards will create a space for leaders in digital and tech, increase Māori representation, and will open career pathways for rangatahi.”

“We want our rangatahi to see rangatira from these awards and think, hey, I could do that too.”

Digital Technologies contributed an estimated $6.6 billion to the New Zealand economy in 2019, and has only grown since. Despite this growth, according to NZTech research, only about 4% of the technology industry are Māori.

Nominations for Matihiko Awards are open now until June 2.

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