Incubators, Support Programmes and Networks

Te Matarau – the Māori Tech Association

Te Matarau is A representative body for Māori working in the technology industry.

Te Matarau is a collective that aims to provide its membership with networking and collaborative opportunities, as well as coordinate the efforts of Māori who are working in the technology sector. Te Matarau seeks to play a strong advocacy role for its membership and aims to provide a safe environment for its members to share Mātauranga, information, expertise, and learnings.

Te Matarau has a formal partnership with Te Hapori Matihiko, which sees the two organisations working together collaboratively to amplify and empower each others mahi.

For more information go to the website.


Kōkiri is a Māori business acceleration programme, based on kaupapa Māori values, focused on accelerating early stage Māori led start-ups who have bold ambitions, are impact positive and technology based. Programmes include:

  • Online Pre-Acceleration short course: he Kōkiri pre-accelerator course supports Māori-led start-ups and provides a great foundation before applying to the Kōkiri Accelerator programme, however, the pre-accelerator can also be taken simply to expand your understanding of fundamental business tools. During the Kōkiri pre-accelerator course you will meet the Kōkiri team and learn the fundamentals to kickstart your entrepreneurial journey.  
  • Kookiri Māori Business Accelerator programme  Kōkiri is a kaupapa Māori programme that supports and accelerates the development of early-stage impact positive startups into investment-ready ventures. Up to 10 ventures will be accepted into the programme, gaining access to Aotearoa’s dedicated Māori business accelerator with access to start-up mentors, coaches, investor networks plus $10,000 in start-up grant money.
  • Kōkiri Tuakana whanau support network

Whāriki Māori business network

Whāriki is the largest Māori business network, bringing together our whānau of Māori business owners and Māori professionals working amongst some of the most exciting corporates in Aotearoa. To find out more or join, click here

Nesian Network

Nesian network hosts networking events. Their vision is to create a global village. They aim to bring together Māori and Pacific owned businesses around the world, embracing the rich culture of our communities and celebrating innovation, entrepreneurship and enterprise. To join Nesian Network and find out about their next event, click here

Ngahere Communities

Ngahere Communities cultivates a collaboration of like-minded enterprises with the shared purpose of enhancing creativity and innovation of those in South Auckland. Enterprises include;

  • GRIND / MNK: South Auckland’s hub for innovators, entrepreneurs, and creators. Located in the Manukau CBD, GridMNK offers coworking, studios, events and a community of like-minded, motivated individuals and whanau working to make the world a better place.
  • Tukua whānau: A Tikanga Māori and Pasifika community in South Auckland that supports creators, innovators and entrepreneurs by developing connections, offering peer support and knowledge sharing.
  • Konei NZ & Konei AU: A platform to showcase Māori and Pasifika made products.

Māori Womens Development Inc – MWDI 

MWDI offers multiple support services and online programmes to help grow business capability of wāhine Māori. Services include:

  • Hineboss: HineBoss is an online course that runs Fri to Sun – 4 hours per day, 2 hours in the morning (9.30am to 11.30am) and 2 hours in the afternoon (12.30pm to 2.30pm), the focus of HineBoss is your business plan.
  • Te Aka: Te Aka provides access to life coaching, business mentors and specialist advisors.
  • Ngā kete o te waangana: Ngā Kete o Te Wānanga is set up to tautoko diversity in business . MWDI have tailored each video session to suit specific and varied needs in all that encompasses Te Ao Pakihi.
  • He papa pahiki: MWDI He Papa Pūtea Pakihi is a 2 hour hui bringing together experts presenting their knowledge and experience. The hui promotes best business practice and wrap around support available to our community.
  • Tauhoko-ā-rangi: A 12 week online ecommerce programme for wāhine Māori

Te Whare Hukahuka

Te Whare Hukahuka work at the grassroots level and at a strategic level to coordinate the system of support that Māori organisations need throughout the lifecycle of business. Support offerings include:

  • Ka Hoa E-commerce programme
  • Funding support
  • Governance training and strategic planning
  • Rangatahi ka eke poutama and governance

For more information, click here.

Creative HQ: The incubator

The incubator is a 6 month hybrid programme for Wellington start-ups requiring support for raising your first investment round. Click here for more information.


KiwiNet administers PreSeed investment funding, used to turn science discoveries into commercially viable products and services. PreSeed investment provides publicly funded research organisations with funding they can allocate on MBIE’s behalf for early-stage commercialisation of new ideas (so-called ‘devolved funding’).

PreSeed funding is intended to stimulate and attract investor interest to publicly funded research and development. PreSeed seeks to:

  • maximise the commercial benefits to New Zealand of previously publicly funded research
  • raise public sector providers’ commercial capabilities and skills
  • improve public sector research providers’ links with potential private sector partners.

For more information, click here.

Business Mentors NZ

BMNZ mentors are experienced business people with expertise in new ventures. They have an understanding of the steps needed to validate a business idea or get a new business off the ground.

Over a six-month period, volunteer mentors work alongside a person with a new business or idea to:

  • offer guidance
  • test thinking
  • step through a feasibility assessment
  • support you to build a robust business plan.

To find out more about their start-up mentoring programme, click here

Phase one

Phase One is an early-stage founder community, a product and growth incubator program, and a venture capital fund. They are a growing community of early-stage founders, who leverage their expertise and connections to offer various types of support including investment into businesses that show great potential. To join or for more information, click here.  

Soda – Business Support in the Waikato

Soda connects business owners with a range of services ans support to help build capability, grow your business and achieve goals and success. If eligible, your business may apply for the RBP Capability Development fund where up to 50% of the cost of your training and development is covered. This is capped at $5,000 pa. To find out more, click here.

Founder Catalyst

Founder Catalyst offers a 9 month incubator programme for start-ups, designed to help you develop critical leadership skills, understand your market, perfect your product, win customers and attract investors. For more information or to apply for their next cohort, click here

Startup Dunedin: The Distiller Incubator

For Dunedin start-ups that are wanting to launch or grow through bespoke mentorship and customised support to overcome your unique challenges and achieve your goals. For more information, click here

Thinc Lab

A fully funded founder-based incubator, partnering with Canterbury entrepreneurs to scale their businesses. Programmes include:

  • Growth Programme: A tailored one-to-one advisory program aimed at growth stage companies with global ambitions and ready to take their businesses to the next level. Through the ThincLab Canterbury mentoring process, assumptions are challenged, milestones are set, and reflection is encouraged by the company founder or CEO. Places are limited and entry is via a selection panel.
  • PACE Programme: Monthly modules designed to provide resources, connections, and support for growing your business. This includes weekly facilitated sessions with a small cohort of startups. The programme is fully funded and there is no cost to attend. Entry is open to founders of any post-revenue Canterbury based company.

For more information, click here.

Whakatipu Ōtautahi

Six-month incubation programme to empower Maori entrepreneurs. Support your business journey by gaining expert advisors, kaihautu and investors as a village to support your business. Whakatipu is values based, which means we value whanaungatanga – kinship and building long term relationships and partnerships. We want to build trust, provide quality care, support, and service, and will do what we say we will. Delivered by HTK Group for Christchurch and Canterbury based founders. For more information, click here.


Icehouse offers capability development solutions and business experts for Kiwi Businesses. To find out how Icehouse can help you, click here.

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